enel+30.2310 234528
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00
enel+30.2310 234528
Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00

Attorneys - Law Office

Stella Valani – Ntolopoulou

Public defender of the Supreme Court

Ekaterini Morati

Lawyer by Profession

Vassilios Dolopoulos

Trainee Lawyer

Anastasia Theodoropoulou

Collaborator in Athens - Trial Lawyer

Konstantinos Theodoropoulos

Collaborator in Athens - Αttorney-at-law
Expertise | Confidentiality | Reliability

Why choose us?

We offer high quality legal services with responsibility and prudence in civil, administrative commercial and bankruptcy law, to companies and individuals, not only in Greece, but also abroad, in countries such as Croatia, Germany and other EU countries, but also in the UK and Israel, operating with efficiency, always guided by confidentiality and professionalism.

Our primary concern is to preserve the relationship of trust that we have cultivated with our clients, the genuine and continuous interest in promoting their interests and the dynamic representation of our clients before the competent courts for the full satisfaction of their legitimate interests.

Solved Cases
Successful Results
Profit for our customers
Years of operation

Do you need our services?

If you need our services, please get in touch with us.